Thanks for downloading Log Parser Lizard for Windows!
The download should start automatically in a few seconds. If does not start or you have any trouble installing LogParserLizardSetup.msi, please use this direct download link to download full package LogParserLizardSetup.msi.
Installing Log Parser Lizard is easy. Download the Log Parser Lizard installer for Windows. When downloading Log Parser Lizard, your browser may need confirmation from you to begin the download. For example, Internet Explorer will show a prompt at the bottom of the screen.
Once it is downloaded, run the installer (LogParserLizardSetup.msi). This should bring up the main setup window.
Note: After downloading the installer you may get a message saying: "Windows protected your PC!". This is happening when Log Parser Lizard has recently been updated. Windows does not yet recognize the download as widely trusted so it shows a warning message (will eventually be updated to trusted download when reach enough sucesfull installations). The product is safe and you can continue the installation (tested thoroughly by independed labs and on VirusTotal and was found absolutely clean). These steps will allow you to safely install Log Parser Lizard.
- 1: Download Log Parser Lizard from the download page.
- 2: Run the installer.
- 3: You may get this message: "Windows Protected your PC."
- 4: Select "More Info".
- 5: Select "Run anyway".
- 6: The installer will open. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Entire process should only take a minute. Choose the directory where you want to install Log Parser Lizard and agree to the licensing terms and click 'Install' to begin the installation process. By default, Log Parser Lizard is installed under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lizard Labs Software\Log Parser Lizard".
At this point, you may be prompted by the User Access Control informing you that you are making changes to your computer. You will need to agree to make these changes for the installation process to continue.
You should see a screen which notifies you of progress.
Finally, you will see a screen informing you that installation is complete. You are now ready to run Log Parser Lizard for a first time. Note that starting Log Parser Lizard from the installation Complete page will run Log Parser Lizard under the same user account as the installer. This may be problematic if you have installed Log Parser Lizard under a special account.
If you have any problems with installing Log Parser Lizard, please have a look at our FAQ, or contact us for assistance.
Note: .NET Framework 4.5.x or higher is required for Log Parser Lizard. If you are using Windows 7, make sure you have at least .NET Framework 4.5.x installed. Windows 10 and Windows Server should already have installed.
If you are new to Log Parser Lizard, make sure you have Microsoft Logparser 2.2 INSTALLED on your computer before running LPL. MS Logparser engine is required for most of the queries and for complete functionality of Log Parser Lizard. Although you can still use MS SQL, OLEDB, Google BigQuery, Dashboard Designer and some other features, we recommend installing MS Logparser to get the most of Log Parser Lizard. To download MS Logparser 2.2 from the official download page from Microsoft, click here.
Log Parser Lizard supports auto-update when a new release is available. If you're prompted by Log Parser Lizard, accept the newest update and it will be installed (you won't need to do anything else to get the latest bits). Note: You can disable auto-update if you prefer to update Log Parser Lizard on your own schedule.
Next steps
Once you have installed Log Parser Lizard, reading the excellent help documentation will help you learn more about using Log Parser Lizard and writing SQL queries (find the buttons on the toolabar). There are also a number of great resources on the Internet. Please check our Help Center and the following links for additional information:
- Lizarding About With Log Parser Lizard (Part 1)
- Log Lizard Part 2 - Hints
- Logparser Forums
- Computer Forensics How-To: Microsoft Log Parser
- Using Log Parser Lizard with SharePoint
- Examples (SQL) queries for IIS Analysis
- Sysmon queries on GitHub
- Under the hood of Logparser
- Microsoft Script Center page
- Forensic IIS log exploration with LogParser
- Using the Logparser Utility to Analyze Exchange/IIS Logs
- LogParser 2.2 and ASP.NET
- Fun with LogParser - auditing event logs
- Log Parser Plus
- Aggressive Virus Defense
- Log Parser Rocks! More than 50 Examples
- Automating log analysis with LogParser, Log Parser Lizard and send email
- And if you understand Chinese you can check these videos
- find more links here...
Purchase Premium Features:
There are two editions of LPL: free trial and Professional. The Professional edition caters for the extra needs of professional system administrators and developers - and quite a few power users as well. After the installation you can use LPL for 20 days for FREE so you can test it to see if it suites your needs. After that just purchase a license code to unlock a wealth of extra features, including exporting data in Excel, HTML, MHT or PDF, multi-dimensional analysis with pivot table and tree map, Web Server, store queries in SQL Server database for easily share among users and computers in organization, Dashboards Designer and WYSIWYG Report Designer and more!
- No further downloads are required - just activate your trial installation. Be up and running in less than a minute.
- All licenses are perpetual (non-expiring) with free minor updates.
Frequently asked questions - FAQ
Q: Why should I upgrade?
There are advanced features in Professional version that most people will find useful. Also free trial is available for 20 days only so if you need LPL for more you should upgrade.
Q: What is a single user license?
Standard license offered for Log Parser Lizard is a Single User license. A single-user license for full version of Log Parser Lizard is an identified-user license. The registered user is the only authorized user of that license. A single-user license allows Log Parser Lizard to be installed in up to two locations as long as the authorized user is the only one with access to the software. The purchaser cannot sell, lease, sub-lease, transfer or distribute the software to any other person. More single user licenses can be ordered if necessary (if total number of LPL installations used by a single user is more then 2 or LPL is used by more persons)
Q: What is a company license?
A company license is a permission to allow the total number of installations, usually for a large company. A company means an organization, including public and private companies, corporations, institutions and non-profit organizations. If you order a company license, full version of Log Parser Lizard can be installed on up to 60 computers or servers across the single company and can be used by any number of users. One license key is issued to register a company license on all computers. More company licenses can be ordered if necessary (if total number of LPL installations is more then 60).
Q: What should I buy?
In the corporate environment, the IT Staff need to share information between computers. For the very best in cutting edge capability you simply cannot go wrong with the one-two punch of the Log Parser Lizard Professional Edition combined with the multiple license package best suited to your situation. This will yield the maximum discount we give, while providing you with the widest range of features and capabilities.
Q: What if I don't like it?
If you purchase Log Parser Lizard GUI and are dissatisfied for any reason, there is a Money Back Guarantee! Simply contact Lizard Labs Software within 15 days of your purchase and receive a no-hassle refund.
What they say about Log Parser Lizard:
Scott Hanselman: „ What's this? Oh YES. It's intellisense and tooltips, baby! I can't say how much faster this tool made me once I had figured out LogParser. It's funny how you have to suffer at the command line before you can really appreciate a good GUI. “- Analyze your Web Server Data and be empowered with LogParser and Log Parser Lizard GUI
" LogParser is good, we know, but LogParserLizard is great." - Scott Hanselman's Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows - Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant and works for Microsoft as a Principal Program Manager, aiming to spread good information about developing software. They say Scott Hanselman is the Chuck Norris of .NET.
Russ McRee : " You’re probably familiar with Log Parser, but I’ll bet you didn’t there was a great GUI-based tool with which to leverage its raw power with ease. Log Parser Lizard is one of those indispensable tools that treads lightly on your system but offers a huge bang for the buck. " - toolsmith: Log Parser Lizard - Russ McRee works for Microsoft's Online Services Security & Compliance team. He writes toolsmith, a monthly column in ISSA Journal. Russ has spoken infosec events such Defcon, Black Hat, RSA,and FIRST and has published in the likes of Information Security, Linux Magazine, (IN)SECURE, and SysAdmin. As an advocate of a holistic approach to information security, Russ' website is He also serves as a volunteer handler for the SANS Internet Storm Center.
Log Parser Lizard in BOOKS and COURSES:
Book: Website invasion scene This book is written
in Chinese. Summary: Through the analysis of web log, analysts can use log parser
lizard (LPL) to quickly understand hacking techniques, and then fix vulnerabilities.
This book introduced the Information Security OWASP TOP 10 (information security)
and the basic operation of log parser lizard (LPL) software.
Course: Log Parser Fundamentals By Robert Boedigheimer
Learn how to use Log Parser to write queries against many different input formats. Robert Boedigheimer works for Schwans Shared Services, LLC providing business solutions with web technologies. Robert has been developing web sites for the past 15 years. He is an ASP.NET MVP, an author, and a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Robert regularly speaks at national and international events.
Log Parser Lizard is mentioned on RSA Conference
Conference is a cryptography and information security-related conference, currently
held annually in San Francisco, California, United States; London, England; and
Chengdu, China. It is a forum for IT professionals to gather and share the latest
knowledge and advancements in the area of Internet security.
Numerous books on Google and Amazon mention LPL as an indispensable tool for log monitoring and data analysis.
What they say on Twitter:
Super nice UI, made some custom queries and it worked like a charm for tracking Hafnium activity!
— Darkoperator (@Carlos_Perez) March 15, 2021 -
Log Parser Lizard + Log Parser 2.2 + IIS logs = 😍🥰😍
— Chad (@CG_iSecurity) February 9, 2021
Log Parser Lizard has consistently been awarded top ratings by independent testing labs and recommended by reviewers worldwide.
If you already installed LPL, there is no need to download it again. You can purchase your registration code online for immediate delivery.
Click to see if you have any discount!
Happy Log Parsing!
Page updated February 20, 2021.